M.E.S.H. : Measuring Error between Surfaces using the Hausdorff distance

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MESH is a tool that measures distortion between two discrete surfaces (triangular meshes). It uses the Hausdorff distance to compute a maximum, mean and root-mean-square errors between two given surfaces. Besides providing figures, MESH can also display the error values on the surface itself.
The source code of MESH is available under the GNU General Public License. It requires the Qt library (available for free), and has been successfully tested on the following platforms(compilers):

It should be possible to build it on other platforms, but this has not been tested. If you manage to run MESH on another platform, please report to us, and send us the changes that might be necessary.


You can find all the details concerning the method used and the implementation of MESH in this paper:

N. Aspert, D. Santa-Cruz and T. Ebrahimi,
MESH: Measuring Error between Surfaces using the Hausdorff distance,
in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2002 (ICME), vol. I, pp. 705-708
download PDF version (95 KB)

The BibTeX entry for this paper is available.

Download software

MESH has been implemented in C (for all the computations) and C++ (for the GUI). Feel free to download the source package (version 1.13):

Fedora Core 2 users, please see the README file in the source package for appropriate compilation/link flags.

Current version of MESH is 1.13, but you can find older versions on this page, and see the changelog (and download incremental patches) between versions. These files contain all the source code of MESH. Please note that you need several things in order to be able to build the software : Additional information concerning the build process can be found in the README file that comes in the package.
Windows user, you can find additional tips here.

If you feel like you have found a bug in the software, or if you have comments feel free to contact its authors using the email adresses given in the package (not published here to avoid some more spam).


Here are a few screenshots of MESH (obtained under RedHat Linux 7.2) :

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N. Aspert